a new, modern version of a traditional German folk song over 500 years old, whose message is still very relevant. A winter fairytale about the courage to live freely and independently, the decision to reject the illusion of safety in a golden cage, and how fulfilling life can be when you stay true to yourself without selling your values and dignity. Folk Song re-imagined in a modern, cinematic version.
vocals, instruments, arrangement and music production by Maria GoJa
video directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
a song about the intensity of being drawn into the drama of others and the process of liberation from an imposed role one is expected to play for someone else.
By combining epic drums and organ with soft strings and mellow piano and contrasting dynamic changes, the song showcases the emotions of being torn back and forth between personal needs and those of others.
music written and produced by Maria GoJa
video directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
a song about healthy boundaries, independence and wild spirits. It tells the journey to independence by breaking free and recovering from suffocating relationships. From surviving to thriving.
music written and produced by Maria GoJa
video directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
a song about life’s unpredictable forces and our tendency to resist change, clinging to annoying patterns and deadlocked structures. Especially when change is uncomfortable and stirs everything up like a storm. The message of Soulquakes is that these disruptions catch us all sooner or later. Sometimes a soft wind may not be enough to spark change before it turns into a storm—but sometimes it is.
music written and produced by Maria GoJa
video directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
a song about stepping into the unknown and embracing the uncertainty of life to create space for new possibilities. An underlying mood of longing in moments of departures and new beginnings and the search for fulfillment drives the heart to new discoveries, growth and change, even when it means to let go of familiar comforts.
music written and produced by Maria GoJa
video directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
based on a Soundtrack that Maria GoJa composed for Shredy Jabarins theaterplay MissFire – music that serves the meeting of two cultures, the MiddleEast and West. Crying Dogs is a deep reflection of the middle eastern conflict.
music written and produced by Maria GoJa
video directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
a selection of cover song productions I made over the years. Many more videos are available on my YouTue Channel
all music arranged, produced and performed by Maria GoJa
all videos directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin
a few more official music videos based on my original songs . More videos are available on my YouTue Channel
all music written, produced and performed by Maria GoJa
all videos directed and filmed by Shredy Jabarin

Not My Drama (lyrics by Maria GoJa)
I’ve never been part of your drama,
I never signed up for that role
I never agreed to put my name on this sheet
And I’ve certainly never belonged to this show
This is not my drama
This is not my drama
I’ve never offered my fire
To warm up your cold icy narrative
In fact it was better to hide away
Before you could make it blend with your interior
Whoever wrote such a story
Where everything leads to emergency
Must fear the silence so badly
My dear, you have to find someone else then me
Oh oh oh
This is not my drama
This is not my drama
Oh oh oh
This is not my drama
This is not my drama
Oh oh oh
I never agreed to put my name on this sheet
And I’ve certainly never belonged to this show
I try to detangle confusion
While you tangle up all the open ends
A comedy of errors
And a mistaken identity
This is not my drama
This is not my drama
Oh oh oh
This is not my drama
This is not my drama
Oh oh oh

Without You I Can Breathe (lyrics by Maria GoJa)
Staring through the window pane
to make out your face
that belongs to yesterday
To another time and space
And I wonder you were never
knowing who I am
passing strangers too familiar
The mask you wear changes
shape and form
Don’t miss you no more
space enables growth
Without you‘re weary heart
darkness is fading
Don’t miss you at all
the cracks refill with gold
without you’re draining words
all past is changing
Look there is that wolf again
waking through my dreams
Haven’t heard him for a while
Calling out my name
Come with me awoooooooooooo
Don’t miss you no more
Space enables growth
without you in my life
the thoughts are clearing
Worn out memories
and shadows they are throwing
Without you I can breathe
not just survive

Soulquakes (lyrics by Maria GoJa)
It’s easy to take the same direction
It’s easy to open the same door
It’s easy to let things fall again
On the same old carpet on the floor.
It’s easy to wear the same old jacket
that someone handed out to you
It’s easy to use those shabby tools
Instead to look for something new.
That’s why, that’s why, that’s why
we take the lie
The Whats the Hows the Whys
turn everything rambambadadadadadam
It’s easy to let perceptions rule me
that lead nowhere but to themselves
It’s easy to hold on to the path
familiar with no need to delve.
It’s easy to let the same old habits
Make us forget who we are for real
And nothing makes sense unless it tastes
like every other common meal.
That’s why, that’s why, that’s why
we take the lie
The Whats the Hows the Whys
turn everything Rambambadadadadadam
So I need a little bit of something
that cause me to try
How come we hold down the soulquakes,
that cause us to change and move on?
But they are meant to be disturbing
when they turn the whole world upside down!
Shaking up and quiver, Soulquakes
They cause all the change to move on
They will rearrange the pieces
Of your reality and mine
It’s easy to let myself be lazy
It’s easy to watch things passing by
but nothing can stop the micro motion
that tends to result in explosion.

Uncertainty (lyrics by Maria GoJa)
Oh heart what have you chosen this time?
Is this what you’ve been longing for?
It seemed to be so close, but now the road is empty again,
I have to follow it since you’ve opened the door.
Oh eyes what have you discovered this time?
Is this what you’ve been looking for?
Was like a nebulos shelter I had to give up again,
to have in sight what I used to ignore.
Oh Uncertainty, welcome again!
I take your freedom, excitement and gravity force,
new space for what already tried to be part of my world.
Oh hands what have you picked up this time?
Is this what you’ve tried to catch before?
Was hard to let loose the palm stone and open again,
to take a present you were afraid to explore.
Oh Uncertainty, welcome again!
I take your freedom, excitement and gravity force,
new space for what already tried to be part of my world.
Oh heart what have you chosen this time?
It is exactly what you’ve been longing for

Angstfrei (Songtext von Maria GoJa)
Was sollen bloss die Nachbarn sagen,
was wenn die das nach aussen tragen,
dass ich nicht wohne sondern lebe
und mich dabei frei bewege
Was sollen bloss die Freunde denken,
wenn ich gern singe ohne Bedenken
wenn ich frei und sorglos atme
und nicht erst auf Erlaubnis warte
Was werden bloss die Leute reden
Wenn wir uns die Hände geben
Und wir dabei lauthals lachen
also lauter so gefährliche Sachen!
Wann wollen wir endlich angstfrei leben?
Nicht weiter abwärts sondern vorwärts gehen
Nicht jeder Forderung einfach so nachgeben?
Der Freiheit mit mehr Mut begegnen.
Was soll ich bloss dagegen machen
Die wollen das so, was soll ich machen.
Sie sagen doch ich muss das machen
Also sollte ich es einfach machen.
Warum genau das weiss ich nicht
Nen Grund den haben sie sicherlich
auch wenn ich was dagegen hab
auch wenn sie alles nehmen was ich noch hab
es ist halt so, wenn ich was sage,
kriege ich direkt auf die Nase.
weshalb ich lieber gar nichts sage.
Ich leb jetzt einfach ohne Nase.
Freiheit wird mir nicht gegeben
Also muss ich sie mir nehmen
Wann wollen wir endlich angstfrei leben?
Nicht weiter abwärts sondern vorwärts gehen
Nicht jeder Forderung einfach so nachgeben?
Der Freiheit mit mehr Mut begegnen.
Komm lasst uns endlich angstfrei leben!
Nicht jedem Unsinn sofort klein beigeben
Und nicht mehr länger unsrer Angst erliegen

So What?! (lyrics by Shredy Jabarin)
The newspaper says so
So what?
The government says so
So what?
They all say so
So what?
Does it make sense?
Just follow the troop
Says who?
Everybody’s there
Everybody’s who?
You don’t need to think
Why so?
Because (well) it’s a trend.
Man is the only living,
following incompetent leaders.
Heart and Soul blinded,
following unqualified teachers.
Says all this chaos around you.
Family you don’t choose
says who?
They want you to loose
why so?
That they can
save you
From your limitless power
In the name of a higher cause
inventing abusive laws
And then they say they’re supposed
to protect you
It’s cool to be anti.
Says who?
It’s cool to be pro.
Says you?
connect to disconnect
and live in a hollywood movie.

Walls of Acre (lyrics by Shredy Jabarin)
How sweet the sleepy robes were
torn up out of Europe’s breast
in a middle eastern autumn night.
I wanted to sing about the walls of Acre
about the market, the carpet of Aljazar Mosque
about Ramadan, the night and the sight.
But I sing about babies armed
with plastic guns, knives and grenades
that in time grow into metal.
Between the pauses of Om Kultum
in the shisha cafe next to Abu George
I can still hear the voice
of Napoleon bombing the wall
while others start to rob the mall.
I want to answer the call
but I can’t.

Behind The Sun (lyrics by Shredy Jabarin)
If you come back one day
tell me stories about life
behind the sun
A small piece of light
in the horizon singing of freedom
behind the sun
mysterious ghosts swim
in the ocean of art
behind the sun
So tell me how it was
are they long, the nights of Avignon?
did you buy the hope you that were looking for?
so tell me how it was
are they long, the nights of Avignon?
did you buy the hope you that were looking for, after you sold your home?
So sing Europe to me in the night
hug me you sweet exile
behind the sun
I know you are back
but you’re still there living
behind the sun

1 Behind The Sun
2 Walls of Acre
3 Foreigner
4 Crying Dogs
5 Almost There
Lyrics written by Shredy Jabarin
Music written by Maria GoJa
Based on an instrumental Soundtrack produced for Shredy Jabarins theaterplay MissFire, GoJa was writing Songs for the purpose to perform them independent from the play. Theatermusic inspired Popsongs – a music that serves the meeting of two cultures, the MiddleEast and West.
The MissFire EP evolved from an intercultural meeting between Shredy Jabarin and Maria GoJa.
All Songs are part of a journey about dealing with manifold identities, formed as social, cultural and political by our limiting constraints; about our longing for an universal to overcome unintended distance. Art is holding a promise to bridge human gaps. The MissFire Songs reach out to this, since their essence mirrors those interacting levels of reality that are similar to all humans: the relation to the inner self, to others and to various society codes. A special concern of both artists is to connect and find the similarity between worlds that appear different.